
Results of the open calls for projects




Academic freedom, respect for the individual, openness, integrity, and love.

To provide opportunities for the holistic development of individuals and to inspire them to tackle global challenges.

To generate new knowledge, technologies, markets and individual self-fulfillment in a VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous) world.

To train world-class specialists for the R&D sector and address the country's scientific, social, and economic challenges, taking into account national goals and priorities, strategic objectives of this stage of the country and the university’s development, and dynamics of market and regional development in order to achieve strong industry and society collaboration and involvement in all phases of the life cycle of knowledge, technologies, and markets.

Open call updates

November 29
November 29
Report on the results of the evaluation of projects based on their compliance with the requirements of the open calls for projects within the framework of ITMO’s 2030 Development Strategy (in English)
December 1
December 1
Regulations for open defense of projects at the session of the Development Strategy Coordination Council (in English)
December 1
December 1
Regulations for open defense of projects at the session of the managing council for the M-platform Next-Gen Cyberphysical Systems (CPS 2.0) (in Russian)
December 3
December 3
Regulations for open defense of projects at sessions of the managing councils of the following M-platforms:
Cognitive Informatics
Information and Functional Security
December 4
December 4
Open defense of projects at the session of the managing council for the M-platform Next-Gen Cyberphysical Systems (CPS 2.0)
December 6
December 6
Open defense of projects at sessions of the managing councils for the following M-platforms: 
  • Arts and Sciences;
  • Human.Nature.Technology;
  • Cognitive Informatics;
  • Information and Functional Security.
December 6
December 6
Conclusion of the review and evaluation period for projects in the following categories:
  • projects under the aegis of the PI Group: Scientific Hyperjump initiative;
  • projects focused on the development of ITMO’s frontier laboratories;
  • projects focused on new technologies corresponding to the Development Strategy goals.
December 7
December 7
Lists of projects approved for open defense at the December 10 session of the Development Strategy Coordination Council:
  • - projects under the aegis of the PI Group: Scientific Hyperjump initiative (in Russian);
  • - projects focused on the development of ITMO’s frontier laboratories (in Russian);
projects focused on new technologies corresponding to the Development Strategy goals (in Russian).

December 7
December 7
Lists of projects approved for open defense at the December 11 session of the Development Strategy Coordination Council:

December 8
December 8
Schedule of project defenses on December 10 and 13 (in Russian)

Selection of projects focused on the development of ITMO’s frontier laboratories;
Selection of projects under the aegis of the PI Group: Scientific Hyperjump initiative;
Selection of projects focused on new technologies corresponding to the Development Strategy goals.
December 8
December 8
Schedule of project defenses on December 11 (in Russian)
Selection of projects focused on core technologies (M-platform projects)

December 9
December 9
Deadline for uploading of materials for defense at the session of the Development Strategy Coordination Council (Regulations)
December 10
December 10
Open defense of projects at the session of the Development Strategy Coordination Council in the following categories: projects under the aegis of the PI Group: Scientific Hyperjump initiative; projects focused on the development of ITMO’s frontier laboratories; projects focused on new technologies corresponding to the Development Strategy goals (Defense schedule in Russian)

Venue: Kronverksky Pr. 49, room 466
Zoom link: published on ISU

December 11
December 11
Open defense of projects focused on core technologies (M-platform projects) at the session of the Development Strategy Coordination Council (Defense schedule in Russian)

Venue: Kronverksky Pr. 49, room 466. Defenses begin at 10 AM
Zoom link: published on ISU

December 13
December 13
Open defense of projects focused on new technologies corresponding to the Development Strategy goals (Defense schedule in Russian)
Venue: Kronverksky Pr. 49, room 466. Defenses begin at 9 AM
Zoom link: published on ISU

December 14
December 14
Results of the selection of projects within the framework of ITMO’s 2030 Development Strategy (in English)

a comprehensive FAQ

ITMO’s ambitions for 2030

FOR 2030


M-platforms are ITMO University’s focus areas on the market. These are the fields where the university sees challenges and is ready to solve them in collaboration with its partners.



  • Daria Kozlova

    First Vice Rector
    head of the council
  • Vladimir Vasilyev

    research supervisor of the council
  • Marianna Chistyakova

    Head of the Strategic Development Department
    deputy head of the council

  • Yulia Timofeeva

    Lead manager at the Department of Strategic Planning and Development
    secretary of the council
  • Vladislav Bougrov
    Head of the Institute of Advanced Data Transfer Systems
    coordinator of the ITMO.Impact strategic project
  • Alexey Slobozhanyuk
    Dean of the Faculty of Engineering Research
    coordinator of the Scientific Breakthrough strategic project
  • Olga Eliseeva
    Head of ITMO’s Department of Educational Quality Assurance
    coordinator of the Highly Personalized Value-Based Education strategic project
  • Evgeny Raskin
    Head of the Department of Youth Policy
    coordinator of the Well-Being strategic project
  • Sergey Kolyubin
    Professor at the Faculty of Control Systems and Robotics
    head of the Next-Gen Cyberphysical Systems M-platform

  • Alexander Boukhanovsky
    Head of the School of Translational Information Technologies
    head of the Cognitive Informatics M-platform
  • Alexander Vinogradov
    Head of the ChemBio Cluster
    head of the Human. Nature. Technology M-platform
  • Danil Zakoldaev
    Head of the Faculty of Secure Information Technologies
    head of the Information and Functional Security M-platform
  • Antonina Puchkovskaia
    Head of the Digital Humanities Center
    head of the Arts and Sciences M-platform
  • Andrey Ivanov
    Vice Rector for Economic and Financial Affairs
  • Vladimir Nikiforov
    Vice Rector for Research
  • Alexey Bobtsov
    Head of the School of Computer Technologies and Control
  • Kirill Alexandrov
    Head of the Strategic Communications Department
  • Olesya Baraniuk
    Deputy head of ITMO Technopark
  • Alexandr Kapitonov
    Dean of the Faculty of Infocommunication Technologies
  • Mikhail Kurushkin
    Dean of the Faculty of Biotechnologies
  • Sergey Makarov
    Dean of the Faculty of Physics
  • Kirill Poznyansky
    Second-year student at the Information Technologies and Programming Faculty
  • Alexey Sergushichev
    Head of the Research Center of Genomic Diversity
  • Andrey Stankevich
    Associate professor at the Faculty of Information Technologies and Programming
Proposal for ITMO University’s Development Strategy for 2021-2030
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 729 of May 13, 2021 On implementation measures of the Priority 2030 Strategic Academic Leadership Program
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Development © 2021 ITMO University
+7 (812) 457-18-07
St. Petersburg, Kronverksky Pr. 49, Mission Control Center (MCC)