

➔ To create a positive environment that promotes the all-round development of the members of ITMO.Family;

➔ An optimal balance of emotional, intellectual, physical and creative well-being;

➔ Programs that support and promote sports and a healthy lifestyle, maintain a comfortable environment, promote a culture of conscious consumption, and strengthen social connections and future careers;

➔ Sharing Well-Being practices with the higher education community and the public.


  • To promote healthy living through, among other things, the development of the KronBars student sports club as a sports club open to the wider St. Petersburg community.

  • To implement a comprehensive program for social and psychological support and mental health improvement in a fast-paced work and study environment.

  • To develop scientific research in the field of well-being and quality of life and use such research findings to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in St. Petersburg and Russia.
  • To create a positive and comfortable environment for research, learning, leisure, and creative activities that uses round-the-clock ergonomic spaces to stimulate discussion and team work and increase overall productivity and effectiveness of work and studies.

  • To raise awareness of environmental issues amongst ITMO.Family members and society as a whole through the creation of a series of collective spaces based on green campus principles, the support of students’ green initiatives, the organization of popular science events on conscious consumption, and the implementation of city-wide environmental initiatives.


Health and Sports
  • Development of a health and well-being management system (digital happiness profile) – an online platform for daily biological screening (assessment of health, stress levels, mood, etc.) with a recommendation system based on big data and machine learning.
  • Creation of a national student sports portal with a management system for student sports clubs, sports teams, competitions, and events.
  • Implementation of a project aimed at attracting and supporting talented athletes as prospective students and further supporting them through the KRONBARS.STARS mentoring program.
Professional Success and Socialization
  • Design and creation of a comprehensive recommendation-based program for building individual tracks for the personal and professional development of staff within educational organizations (digital self-service program, soft skills for interaction with generation Z, legal and financial literacy, mindfulness practices).
  • Creation of a system of communication platforms where students and staff can work with industrial and business partners to develop a shared research and learning agenda.
  • Development of a system for attracting members of ITMO.Family and the St. Petersburg community to participate in citizen science projects as research subjects.
Positive Environment and Conscious Consumption
  • Implementation of the ITMO.OPEN.Campus project – sharing practices for transforming university spaces based on new educational approaches, current demands of young people, and the green campus model.
  • Creation of a platform for multifunctional campus management using advanced authentication methods, artificial intelligence and other digital technologies.
  • Creation of a center for certification and analysis of Russian eco-friendly organizations at ITMO University.
Research and Promotion of Top Well-Being Practices
  • Research into the therapeutic anxiety-reducing effects of virtual environments developed at ITMO.
  • Development of research and educational projects on the issues of well-being, health, and quality of life.



Vice Rector for Youth Policy
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Development © 2021 ITMO University
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St. Petersburg, Kronverksky Pr. 49, Mission Control Center (MCC)