➔ New quality of education at ITMO University – one that results in a new generation of specialists;

➔ Fulfillment of students’ individual potential and the formation of their unique competency profile;

➔ 6G education


  • To carry out research in the field of digital transformation of education and promote the best practices of digital teaching.

  • To follow the proactive lifelong learning (LLL) model all the way from entrants to graduates and on to specialists at each level (HE, SE, CPD) with the use of all formats (offline, online, and blended learning).

  • To form a system of educational export – including through virtual academic mobility;
  • To develop ITMO University and its partners’ digital education ecosystem and provide students with the ability to build their optimal LLL scenarios; to ensure connectivity between educational and career paths through adaptive LXP (Learning Experience Platform), big data analytics, and AI;

  • To foster a distributed system of university entrepreneurship for different groups within the ITMO.Family community (students, faculty, PIs, project teams, etc.).


Jigsaw Education
  • Formation of a consortium-based open bank of disciplines, modules, and minors.
  • Implementation of asynchronous education (allowing students to choose the format and pace of learning) via, among others, seamless incorporation and recognition of educational activities, project work, minor programs, CPD, and extracurricular activities – the sum of all experience acquired at ITMO and beyond it.
  • Development of a system of research and education test sites as an environment for learning based on unique R&D&I.
  • Diversification of non-conventional thesis formats: startups, art projects, articles in scientific journals, software code, and more;
  • Development of proactive lifelong learning in AI and adjacent fields based on digital technology forecasts.
ITMO Educational Quality Standard
  • Creation of a complementary system of Bachelor’s and Master’s programs in AI and adjacent fields that focuses on covering the full life cycle of the development and operation of digital intelligence technologies.
  • Development of update protocols for all of ITMO’s educational products – from full-time educational programs to CPD and individual disciplines – with update periods ranging in length from one month to one year.
  • Development of a digital system for educational quality assessment with accelerated consumer feedback
Global Talent Network
  • Development of platform solutions for the conduct and organization of contests (ex: Olymp, CodeForces), hackathons, and other events for audiences ranging from high school students to graduates, with an increase in the use of proctoring and gamification services.
  • Organization of an interdisciplinary ITMO entrance competition and a national inter-university entrance competition.
  • Training of coaches for entrance competitions and hackathons in the fields of mathematics, computer science, programming, machine learning, information security, and physics.
  • Expansion of the international mirror program/institute model (as showcased by HDU-ITMO Institute).
Impact Entrepreneurship
  • Development of the ITMO.KIDS technopark to allow parents to invest in their children’s development through early immersion in the entrepreneurial environment.
  • All-encompassing adoption of entrepreneurial development paths for ITMO students and staff via the School of Technology Brokership, practical research, events involving successful graduates, and support from startup studios.
  • Development of deep-tech projects and startups with a high level of expertise in ITMO’s top-priority fields (photonics, biotech, quantum computing, AR/VR) in response to the needs and demands of corporate partners and development institutions.



Head of ITMO’s Department of Educational Quality Assurance
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Development © 2021 ITMO University
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