
Strategic Project #1

➔ To train specialists, as individuals and in teams, capable of quickly advancing from research to entrepreneurship and ensuring their products’ impact on the society and economy;

➔ Speed of development and adoption of innovations;

➔ Openness of all processes so as to gain the trust of individuals, the public, and the industry.


  • To establish joint labs with the top names on the market in well-honed formats

  • To establish customer relations courses for administrative staff at partner companies, dispatch scientific ambassadors to partners, and form developer advocate teams within the university

  • To launch deep-tech startups of two types: ones focused on the further development of ITMO’s system of practice-oriented student R&D as well as ones led by key professors of high prominence

  • To establish an IP pool under the ITMO PL open license. To create commercialization models for the university and inventors

  • To develop an ecosystem of urban services in collaboration with the Committee on Informatization and Communication 

  • To create attraction points for citizens and introduce ITMO-affiliated venues at key leisure and cultural spaces of the city 

  • To implement citizen science projects

  • To develop and promote open-source software and digital services 

  • To launch projects that provide open access to results of intellectual activity, including the hardware aspects

  • To foster a shared digital space for open science with partners: open-access databases, particularly in the fields of autonomous vehicles, sensor data processing, and inorganic materials design
  • To establish testing sites and conduct tech validation (including ethical validation) projects with community involvement as well as stress tests of new technologies designed by the university or by third parties

  • To actively participate in the formation of a national system of standardization and certification 

  • To provide infrastructure and testing sites for systematic development and propagation of services and solutions via placement of joint labs and startups at ITMO Highpark starting in 2025

  • To give students of other universities the opportunity to join ITMO University’s minor programs

  • To organize competitions for school and university students as well as public-oriented educational events. To further develop existing (CodeForces) and new (RoboForces) open platforms for online competitions and hackathons

  • To develop the ITMO.Media program for the production of high-quality content for external target audiences

  • To replicate ITMO’s programs for support and development of academic staff at other Russian universities

  • To develop and manage an ethical hacking community 

  • To introduce a system of continuous professional development via the ITMO Avatar system

  • To involve graduates in teaching professional training courses, mentorship, and startup development consulting


Technology transfer
  • Сreation of joint labs with key market players in tried-and-tested formats;
  • Сreation of deep-tech startups.
Home of ITMO University
  • Digitalization of various aspects of city management;
  • Development of services for the city and its citizens;
  • Adoption of convenient methods for interaction with citizens and implementation of citizen science projects.
Open science. ITMO.Validation
  • Communication of ITMO’s findings to other Russian universities and organizations;
  • Quick adoption of digital services using the ITMO model.
Open education
  • The university’s educational system is made available to a wide spectrum of students from other universities, the number of students in CPD programs is increased; 
  • Additional opportunities for establishing contacts and choosing educational paths;
  • Organization of competitions and educational events for school students and university students together with the university’s partners.
  • Introduction of a free multi-tiered program of continuous professional development for graduates;
  • Constant monitoring of the successes of graduates’ companies, which are especially numerous in the digital entrepreneurship sector.



Dean of the Faculty of Technological Management and Innovations
Content © 1993–2021 ITMO University
Development © 2021 ITMO University
+7 (812) 457-18-07
St. Petersburg, Kronverksky Pr. 49, Mission Control Center (MCC)